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#20yearslater: No Responders Left Behind, Directed by Robert Lindsay

Elizabeth Miller

September 7th, 2021

No Responders Left Behind follows 9/11 social activists Jon Stewart and John Feal as they take on the U.S. government to ensure Health and Compensation for thousands of ailing First Responders who are dying from toxins released at Ground Zero.

Find out more information about the film through the FealGood Foundation.


OUR PANEL DISCUSSION featured John Feal, Rob Lindsay and PT member, Ari Radcliffe-Greene as moderator.

CLICK HERE to access the recorded webinar and by using passcode M0wU2%C+


No Responders Left Behind: Study Guide

The following are questions that can be used as discussion guidance or homework prompts:

Classroom focus: What can you learn about passing a bill through Congress from this film?

General Question: Is this movie biased? What does it mean to be biased? Is bias bad? Can it be avoided?

Guiding Question: How could Congress be improved?

Discussion or writing question: What makes a cause worth fighting for? Have you ever been to a protest? If not, would you ever go to one? Why or why not?

Discussion question: Why did Jon Stewart put his name on this specific cause? Do you think it was right of him to do that? Why or why not?

Discussion question: What is the difference between what John Feal did and traditional lobbying processes? Which is more effective? What are the pros and cons of each?

Homework prompt(s): How should citizens be able to interact with Congress? What should be the process of speaking with a Congressperson? How should Congress’s process of making a bill into a law be sped up. Write 2-3 pages on one of these prompts.


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