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20th Anniversary Peace & Justice Film Festival

Elizabeth Miller

August 29th, 2021

20 Years Later - a virtual film festival commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11, centering on the theme of peace and justice. Featuring films across 20 years, including brand new releases, each film paired with a live panel featuring producers, directors, 9/11 family members, and/or subjects of the film, open to audience questions.

Goals of the Festival:

1) To promote productive discussion and problem-solving, centering around the theme of peace and justice, through an assortment of films relevant to the topic.

2) To serve as a commemoration to the victims of the September 11th Attacks, and all events ensuing.

3) To educate young people who have no memory of or who were not yet born on the day of the 9/11Attacks.

4) To build awareness and support for September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, and our mission to turn our grief into action toward peace.

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