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Seeking Peace in Afghanistan

Elizabeth Miller

June 19th, 2021

CLICK HERE to listen to the recorded webinar and use passcode: R^ftP#7v

Afghan panelists spoke with us from Kabul and abroad, joining with international panelists to bring perspectives from the lives of Afghans living courageously through the last two decades of war and the recent escalation in violence. We heard of the impact of the war upon the lives of women, youth and civilians and of seeds for peace that are being sown in its midst. The webinar went beyond the limits of troop withdrawal to present nonviolent pathways, reparations and witnessing on the long road to peace with justice for Afghanistan. The discussion was moderated by Ellen Judd, who facilitates the work of  September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows related to Afghanistan and to the US/NATO war in Afghanistan.

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