Donald Charlebois
Brother of David Charlebois

My brother David was the First Officer on American Airlines 77 which was diverted into the Pentagon. David shared the cockpit with Captain Burlingame. On that day we all became September 11 Families, a group that no one would have knowledgeably joined. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the events of that day, but especially the way that world events have spun and are spinning out of control.
I was drawn to September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows (PT) in my reading about protests at the Park51 project, actually surprised at the level of vehemence. I read about and admired your courage in the face of this rage. I embarrassingly was not aware of the activities of PT, focusing on silent remembrance and worrying about my parents as opposed to using remembrance to generate initiative. I am a builder, a carpenter, a sculptor, and a painter. I lean heavily towards things, which heal and are positive and/or constructive. I have been very fortunate to let my mind and hands work through many different and difficult issues. I know that the best way to honor my brother is in peaceful pursuit. I see PT as a peaceful pursuit, providing constant reminders of the standards we must uphold. My wife, Donna, and I were able to work with Susan Retik and her organization ‘Beyond the Eleventh’ this year and experienced the physical channeling of those emotions. We hold hope to be able to see peaceful tomorrows for our time and the next generations.
Sandra DeBella Bodley
Aunt of Deora Bodley

I joined the Sonoma State University (SSU) nursing faculty in 1975; my clinical areas are community health nursing with special interests in rural health, cultural diversity and service learning. I served as department chair from 1989 through 1996 when the department added the basic baccalaureate program. I retired in 2004 after serving as interim Director of Nursing at Santa Rosa Junior College for a year. I continued to teach on an as-needed basis at SSU for several years, primarily in the graduate program for nursing education. I did educational consulting for nursing programs in California and in 2008 became the project director for a two-year grant through the California Community Colleges for a collaborative effort among the five community colleges in Sonoma State’s service area and the department of nursing to provide an ADN-MSN program.
I am a healthcare activist and have served on many boards and committees in Sonoma County, including the Sonoma County Health Alliance in 2000, the North Bay Hospital Council, the Sutter Medical Center board of trustees for 10 years, and the Northern California Center for Well-Being board of directors.
Our family lost our niece Deora Bodley in the crash of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania on 9/11. We have become involved with September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. I am so proud of the work which is being done, particularly those trying to create understanding between Christians and Muslims, knowing that we all want peace. I follow the work of the group that has consistently sought to have Guantanamo closed. It just might happen. I have great respect for all the active members and their faithful remembrance of our loved ones.